Don't Shoot The Messenger
Don't Shoot The Messenger is a podcast by Vicki Marinker, bringing you interesting conversations about careers in communications. Vicki talks with experts in PR, corporate communications, internal comms and more - discussing everything from starting a career in comms, to managing a full-scale corporate crisis. This is the podcast for you, if you want to get ahead in communications.
Don't Shoot The Messenger
Episode 22: How to get your digital strategy right in a Covid world, with Tony Stewart
Vicki Marinker/Tony Stewart
Episode 22
In this episode I talk with Tony Stewart, Head of digital at scarlettabott and self-confessed digital geek, about how to get your digital strategy right in a Covid world.
We discuss:
📣 The 7 fundamental pillars on which to build a winning digital strategy
📣 How success leads to behavioural change
📣 The technical challenge of ongoing remote working
📣 A great example of using gaming technology to support a business challenge
📣 Being responsible for Boris’s presence on Twitter
If you’d like to get involved, please get in touch at www.vickimarinker.com
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